Exploring Software Development at the University of Iowa

As a student in the University of Iowa’s Computer Science program, I’ve started on an exciting journey to learn the fundamentals of software development while exploring research opportunities and securing internships. Here’s a brief glimpse into my experiences:

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3D Swarm Intelligence Visualization

Here is the recent gif generated by my code recently: Gif of Swarm Algorithm working This GIF demonstrates a uniformly distributed selection of agents placed onto a polynomial 3D plot. Combining social and cognative weights to optimize as a swarm to the minimum of the given function ((X^2 + Y^2)/5).

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Exploring the Power of Swarm Intelligence

As a developer, I was fascinated by the concept of swarm intelligence and its potential applications in optimization problems. I decided to dive deeper into the world of particle swarm optimization and started working on developing a visualization. Alongside visualizing, fundamentally understanding this complex algorithm. In our natural world we can see it perform with species such as bees or ants working as a community to solve problems. After hours of coding and testing, I finally had a working prototype that could find optimal solutions, in this case the minimum of a function. However, I wanted to take it a step further and visualize the behavior of the particles in the swarm. With the help of some advanced data visualization tools, such as Matplotlib, I was able to create captivating visualizations that showed the particles moving towards the optimal solution. Seeing the algorithm in action was a truly rewarding experience, and it gave me a deeper appreciation for the power of swarm intelligence.

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Software Development Process Presentation

Last week on february 15th I gave a presentation on Software Development processes. The presentation included Introductory topics and common terms, a generalized view of software development steps, and finally methodologies commonly used in software development teams. My presentation was given at the University of Iowa to a Machine Learning and Programming club to other students interested in Software Development. Attached is a download to the full presentation.

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